Liangbing (Liam) Zhao


B.S. Student

Beihang University

Hi, I am Liangbing Zhao. You can also call me Liam. I am currently a BSc student at Beihang Univerisity, majoring in Computer Science and Technology. I am currently working with Prof. Mohamed Elhoseiny at KAUST. During my undergraduate years at BUAA, I was supervised by Prof. Si Liu. I was also a research intern at Meitu Inc., where I worked on video diffusion models with Dr. Xuecheng Nie.

I am currently looking for a PhD position starting from Fall 2024! Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.

Research Interests

My research interests lie primarily in developing more efficient, robust, and adaptable deep learning algorithms to conquer generation problems.

  • Design the next generation of generative models based on DDPM, GAN, etc.
  • Devise algorithms for 2D/3D synthesis and solve 2D/3D generation editing problems.


Dec 19, 2023 One paper is accepted by Electronics!
Nov 24, 2023 One paper is submitted to arXiv!

selected publications

  1. cvpr24.jpg
    ToddlerDiffusion: Flash Interpretable Controllable Diffusion Model
    Eslam Mohamed Bakr, Liangbing Zhao, Vincent Tao Hu, and 3 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.14542, 2023
  2. electronics.jpg
    Cross-Attention and Seamless Replacement of Latent Prompts for High-Definition Image-Driven Video Editing
    Liangbing Zhao, Zicheng Zhang, Xuecheng Nie, and 2 more authors
    Electronics, 2023